Secondary Maths Tutoring

Personalised online tutoring sessions for secondary school students, fully aligned with the updated Australian curriculum. Let’s create your unique and personalised learning program! Learn anywhere, anytime!

Discover Our Secondary Maths Tutoring Programs

Our personalised secondary maths tutoring sessions are fully aligned with the updated Australian curriculum to ensure you learn the same content taught by secondary schools across Australia. Our secondary mathematics learning materials meet all the requirements of the national curriculum, and are developed by our team of skilled tutors and educators.

Our tutors are a mix of skilled educators, university graduates and subject matter experts. Every tutor holds a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC), which is requirement for anyone who works or volunteers in child-related work.

We understand how busy Australian families are. That’s why we offer flexible booking options to suit any lifestyle. Book a session 7 days a week, from 6am to 9pm. Reschedule or cancel easily by giving us appropriate notice.

How our secondary maths tutoring sessions work

  • Tutor Assessment

    We develop a customised learning program to suit your needs by assessing your strengths and weaknesses during the first session, as well as by identifying knowledge gaps.

  • Theoretical Concepts & Questions

    During each tutoring session, a range of theoretical concepts and examples will be presented, after which you will apply your knowledge to solve various questions. You will increase your knowledge of the secondary mathematics curriculum by learning syllabus aligned content.

  • Boost Confidence & Improve Grades

    With our personalised secondary maths tutoring sessions, your overall confidence and academic performance will increase.

During secondary school (Years 7-10), students build on the core literacy and numeracy concepts learnt during primary school, and develop new study skills in preparation for senior schooling. Mastering mathematics during high school is crucial for the progression of further studies in mathematics during the senior years. Students become confident with algebraic terms and expressions and learn how to solve equations and inequalities. Trigonometry is introduced as well as many other new topics and with the help of one of our friendly and patient tutors, you can master every concept of secondary maths.

Why Choose us?

We build confidence

Our tutors guide students through even the most difficult concepts and topics, allowing students to realise they can tackle questions they never thought possible. After each maths tutoring session, students will experience an increase in confidence and ability - boosting their overall performance and grades

We assist with structure and organisation

We help students develop a sense of structure to their schooling schedule, guiding them to create effective study plans and stay on track with their schooling.

We offer flexible session options

We understand the busy lifestyles of Australian families and are very flexible with session times. Enjoy the convenience of our online sessions by scheduling at a time and day that best suits your lifestyle. We are more than happy to reschedule or cancel sessions depending on students’ needs.

We make learning fun

Learning mathematics should be fun, exciting and engaging. We’re here to take the stress out of mathematics by introducing a personalised tutoring plan that will integrate with any school program alongside one-on-one tutoring sessions, allowing for an exciting and seamless schooling experience.

We have professional mathematics tutors

Our tutors have many years’ experience as educators and have tertiary qualifications in mathematics. Maths is a subject that can be difficult and daunting at times. However, our friendly tutors are here to make learning mathematics a fun and enjoyable experience.

Discover how our tutoring methods can help you!

Personalised Online English, Mathematics & Physics Sessions Foundation – Year 12